<p>I am going to be Mom right now…I hope that you all will take the time to read this. I have this in our home and I love it</p>
<p>I hope that as we kiss our loved ones goodby that we keep these thoughts in our mind…it always made me feel closer to Bullet when he was far away from me.</p>
<p>G<em>d Speed the AFA CLASS OF 08…G</em>d Bless the other classes!
<p>This is a required quote we memorize our 4 dig year. It's one of my favorite quotes/poems. I can recite this without thinking anymore, its become that ingrained. </p>
<p>At the last two TAPS vigils we've had, one of the choir groups here sings it, very moving.</p>
<p>it was Chorale that sang it both vigil's we've had. (yay for me! lol). it's even more beautiful as a song. we're actaully getting to record another CD (in like, 10 min), and that will be on there. yay! it truly is a great one</p>
<p>just a note (cause i would notice), while the poem is "laughter-silver wing*S", the song is actually "laughter-silver **WING*" (singular)</p>
<p>its what they sing, but the writing is off. supposedly they're finally re-doing the visitor center video (which has my old-AOC still as a cadet), so we're taping Monday for it. kinda exciting</p>
<p>the video should i believe appears on the USAFA page, so the new one i assume will too, but i'll let you know when i find out. the CD will be available next fall</p>