To those in college...

<p>I don't talk to my friends from home anymore. I just finished my freshman year of college, and I refuse to even go home. I love home- my parents, but my friends have changed. I am at Dartmouth, most of them are at the University of Wyoming. They are friends with each other, but my real friends are here at college with me. I don't miss high school...sometimes I miss driving around playing the trunk game, lol.</p>

<p>I hear ya there. I love my family (although mine kind of drives me crazy) but I am going back next week for summer classes and a job. After being at college the shallow relationships I had with people back home are worthless really. I don't miss high school either. I liked it, I had fun while I was there (most of the time) but sometimes you just need to move on from the dead end people you grew up with a little (for 4 years really). Just looking back on it compared to college, it just seems not as good, bad even, even if I didn't think that then.</p>

<p>Btw Morada, you're right college is what you make of it. I was worried about going to U of I too b/c for once a lot of my classmates made it (we had a good year) but really I never see any of them unless I try. I occasionally bump into them but often not. Also if you are in top programs you won't have any problems finding people to interact with. I mean one of the nice things about college is that you already have one thing in common with those in your classes. They want to be there. I dont mean like being there because that is stretching it but they know it is for their major and they want to succeed. In high school if you were in English, chances are a good percentage of your classmates probably hated it. It's was refreshing being with people who liked chemistry or at least thought it was interesting.</p>

<p>thanks for all the guys are all right. that feeling i had disappeared right after graduation. it was a really nice ceremony to cap off four years of my life and i'm definately not going to be looking back.</p>

<p>I know how you feel I was bored and annoyed in highschool. I was so happy when I left to go off to a cc. I have some independence and the classes are more of a challenge as an honors student.</p>