<p>So to start out, my main reason for transferring is academic challenge. I'm not really being challenged at my current college, which is a mid-range LAC (although we are ranked the #1 up-and-coming LAC by USNWR.) I'm applying for transfer to Swarthmore, Pomona, Brown, Columbia, and Reed. My only concern is that I'm coming from this mid-range LAC, which might discount my performance thus far. I am, however, taking my hardest possible options this semester and several junior and senior level courses next semester. Still, should I abandon hope for the four top-tier schools?</p>
<p>GPA this semester: Either 3.82 or 4.0. Depends on what I get in one of my 200s.
HS GPA (this is what kills me): 2.86/4
Next semester: taking two 200s, two 300s, and a 400, three of which are in my major (philosophy.)
I had an ACT of 34.</p>
<p>Luckily for you college GPA is much much more important than HS records. If you’re at a top 50 school then you have a very good chance even at the top schools. I had a roommate with a decent HS GPA but a 3.9 in college and she’s at Cornell now! =]</p>
<p>Unfortunately it’s not a top 50 LAC, but it’s won a lot of national acclaim from a lot of intercollegiate surveys/rankings + CTCL. I think I can prove the academic rigorousness as well.</p>
<p>Is this your first term? If yes, I wouldn’t get my hopes up. If you’re a sophOmore, you certainly have a shot.</p>
<p>I’m a freshman, but I’m heavily involved on campus and I’m not discontent enough that I feel as though I have to leave - I want to leave eventually, but it’s not a huge rush.
Will it be a detriment to sophomore applications to the same institutions if I apply this year as a longshot, then?</p>
<p>I’m in a pretty similar situation as you, i go Beloit College in WI (fairly well-regarded but definitely not a very rigorous/selective LAC) and i’m desperate to get out. i think columbia’s a pretty big stretch but honestly i don’t think it would hurt to apply, i’m doing the same with uchicago- it can’t hurt to dream, right?
i’m looking at reed as well, which i think you have a shot at, and have you considered carleton or macalester? both have excellent reputations and are very rigorous, and i think you’d get into either, particularly macalester.</p>