Too late to respond for interview?

<p>I was contacted for a Brown interview 2 weeks ago. My friend had the same interviewer and had a VERY positive response from the interviewer and a 3.5 hour interview, so I was too nervous to schedule one. I was immature about the whole thing really and didn’t bother emailing back.</p>

<p>Now, I realize it was pretty rude, and I don’t know whether to contact back for an interview (2+ weeks late!), email an apology and decline the offer, or just don’t email back since it’s so late anyway.</p>

<p>As far as I’m concerned, the interview is optional, but I’m sure the admissions committee knows that were are alum in my area. I don’t want them questioning my interest in Brown.</p>

<p>What should I do?? Thanks!</p>

<p>Chances are the alum already filled out the interview form, indicating that you denied the interview.</p>

<p>You can try calling the alum and say you changed your mind and would like an interview. I’d call rather than email. See what happens. </p>

<p>I am an alumni interview for Brown – if a student did this with me, I would reschedule but certainly ask why you initially declined.</p>