Too Many EC's on resume?

<p>I just finished writing my resume for college, and lo and behold, there are 11 extracurriculars listed on it. I’ve often heard that having too many activities is bad and that you should pick a few in high school to really devote yourself to, but the problem is, that’s what I’ve been doing all along. I have 11 activities on my resume, even after taking some out!</p>

<p>Here’s what I listed on my resume. Is this excessive?</p>

<li>Small Business Owner (9-12)</li>
<li>Speech & Debate (president, 11-12)</li>
<li>Government internship (11-12)</li>
<li>Hospital Volunteer (9-10)</li>
<li>Honor Court (12)</li>
<li>Ambassadors (10-12)</li>
<li>Tech Squad (9-10)</li>
<li>Junior Classical League (won awards at state convention, 11-12)</li>
<li>Varsity basketball videographer (letterman, 9-10)</li>
<li>Newspaper (12)</li>
<li>Summer camp counselor (12)</li>

<p>The reason why some activities stop in the 10th grade is I switched schools. Will colleges notice this and take this into account? Also, are there activities I should take out?</p>

<p>Don’t take anything out…
You should include all your extracurriculars
The only time to take out EC is if you are getting petty (i.e. “chair person of bake sale” or something stupid :P)</p>

<p>i’m not sure how you’re formatting your EC page, but if you list them under headings of, ie, leadership, volunteerism, etc. a PATTERN of your interests and strengths will emerge. that will make more sense to ad comm.</p>

<p>I would get rid of newspaper definitely.</p>