too many insanely smart/talented people on this forum x_x

<p>are the people on this forum a good representation of the applicant pool or do only the smart ones come here? i feel like every 'chances' thread i read is filled with amazing stats or a stellar essay. it's making me really nervous and i need to know if everyone who applies to jhu (and other colleges) has super stats.</p>

<p>Well, if your talking about jwlee8, she may be a bit above the average person in the applicant pool. But I'd say most people that will be accepted to JHU will have stats that are very close to most people in this message board. I can't say about the people in the app pool cause there are probably many 'non-superbly-advanced' students in there, with like a 2.8 GPA.</p>

<p>Hopefully the applicant pool will NOT be as competitive...or else i am SCREWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111one</p>

<p>I know what you mean, asdfTT123!
After looking at everyone else's stats, it makes you wonder who they do accept!</p>

<p>My impression is that this is self-selection in the extreme.</p>

<p>self-selection by interest, maybe not talent though Yalebound</p>

<p>i don't think that the stats in this board is representative of this pool....i would think that people on this board are people who are really anxious about getting in (usually people with extremely good stat). not to say that the pool will be significantly less could go either way....However, don't put yourself down or worry too much because of the stats posted on this board....people can lie about their stats to make themself look good...(maybe to feel better about themself? iono)....just do the best you can and hope for the best....i mean there are people with 1600 SAT and still got deferred from Harvard EA...and there are people with only 1240 SAT who got accepted EA....don't get your hopes up too high...but also don't put yourself down too confident! i'm sure you're good enough already...considering that you have enough courage to apply!</p>

<p>Lets put it this way, people who are confident ( i mean 100 % ) of their college choice be it a ivy or a state school who have average scores ( 1200-1300s) do not ocme to CC.</p>

<p>my stats werent exactly 1500 sat...i got a 1270, prob the lowest on here, but i got in hopkins/bme so u dont have to be too worried</p>

<p>I like you posting nyugent. The way you mention your ACT score and SAT score so many times makes us low scorers feel good;)</p>

<p>hehe, thanks for posting, people. i feel slightly better now. though i think i'm different than most people in that my SAT score isn't my problem; it's my lack of many leadership positions and crazy extracurrics :/</p>

<p>I am scared, lol</p>

<p>plus, you should also consider that - although this is not the case most of the time - people DO lie on these boards. I can't explain why, but i know for a fact that many view these posts with a detatched skepticism.</p>

<p>just relax, and I'm sure that if you APPLIED to hopkins, there's some part of you that thinks you can get in. unless you got a fee waiver, no one is really THAT crazy to apply to a school they know they have no chance at. so if you had some confidence to begin with, why are you letting it go down now? Just wait until april and you'll see. even though it seems from this forum that almost every one at hopkins is "smart" or "talented," I really dont think you have to be a 1600, 36, 4.0, super ECs to get into hopkins. True you're competing against alot of other people, but just have a lil confidence okie? oh btw, i dont want to brag but just for reassurance to those who are "Afraid," i'm probably just a lil bit above average, and as you can see, my sats/act werent the top either. I'm not the PERFECT applicant, but I got into hopkins as well as chill guys and sit back and wait for your letter in april.</p>

<p>btw, for all you picky posters out there, i dont like to worry about grammar when i'm typing casual things online, so dont complain about how i write in your "im too smart" tone with me.
much love ^_^

<p>Well, there are some really smart kids here. But for the record, average SAt scores are in the mid 1300s and a lot of us did not have a 4.0 G.P.A. I did but I'm trying to warn you that although there are some smart and talented kids here...there are plenty of others who balance them out.</p>