<p>So these are my schedules throughout high school.
Freshmen English
Freshmen History
Level 1 Spanish II
Level 1 Earth Science
Honors Geometry
AP Bio
AP World History
level 1 Spanish III
level 1 english
honors precalc
honors orchestra</p>
AP Calc BC
AP Chem
AP US History
AP Comp Sci
Level I English
Honors Orchestra</p>
<p>Senior (Likely next year):
Multivariable Calc at Harvard Extension
Linear Algebra at Harvard Extension
AP Econ
AP Stats
AP Physics
Honors Orchestra
Some random elective</p>
<p>Do I have way too many level 1 courses in my transcript that colleges will disapprove highly of? They're mostly in the humanities and I plan to apply to engineering schools so will they care? I'm sort of worried.</p>