Too Many Poli Sci Classes?

<p>I plan on majoring in Poli Sci at Brown. Currently, I am signed up for three poli sci classes for the first semester. Is this a bit excessive or is it normal to take this many classes in one particular area first semester? Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>Why not try some other areas too? If Poli Sci is going to be your major, you have 4 years to complete the requirements. You can easily take 2 poli sci classes and 2 others.</p>

<p>I agree. Try to mix it up some. This is a good time to just explore</p>

<p>It's all about you. If 3 PS classes are what you want, have at it. Some folks I knew took 3 PS classes and an econ while being quite happy.</p>

<p>which 3 are you going to take?</p>