<p>Hi im looking for opinions on my chances at Duke as I feel that my stats are too low, what do u guys think :) </p>
First generation in college in US</p>
<p>GPA: 3.86 UW 4.06W
Class rank 28/320</p>
<p>Senior year classes:
AP Calc
AP english literature
AP Economics
AP Biology
AP Psychology
Spanish 5</p>
<p>SAT: 2170 720M 720CR 730W (maybe retake)
SATII: 710 US History 660 MathIIC(retake in fall along with one more prob lit)
PSAT: 208 nationally commended i think???</p>
Varsity Basketball 3yrs- (MVP junior year, state qualifier, district champs)
Varsity Track/Field 2yrs
Karate 6yrs- second degree black belt
Student government- Class secretary junior year/Class senator senior year
Key club- 3 years
National Honors Society 2yrs hopefully secretary senior year
Model Congress 1yr
Growing up in a household of doctor's, i have taken great interest in the field of medicine and therefore look to follow it in the future.
100+ hrs volunteer work in hospital(ER attendant/ patient discharge)
Summer job in doctor's office 20+hrs a week getting to know the intricacies of the profession</p>
<p>will also have very solid essays/recs</p>