Too Optimistic???

<p>Hi im looking for opinions on my chances at Duke as I feel that my stats are too low, what do u guys think :) </p>

First generation in college in US</p>

<p>GPA: 3.86 UW 4.06W
Class rank 28/320</p>

<p>Senior year classes:
AP Calc
AP english literature
AP Economics
AP Biology
AP Psychology
Spanish 5</p>

<p>SAT: 2170 720M 720CR 730W (maybe retake)
SATII: 710 US History 660 MathIIC(retake in fall along with one more prob lit)
PSAT: 208 nationally commended i think???</p>

Varsity Basketball 3yrs- (MVP junior year, state qualifier, district champs)
Varsity Track/Field 2yrs
Karate 6yrs- second degree black belt
Student government- Class secretary junior year/Class senator senior year
Key club- 3 years
National Honors Society 2yrs hopefully secretary senior year
Model Congress 1yr
Growing up in a household of doctor's, i have taken great interest in the field of medicine and therefore look to follow it in the future.
100+ hrs volunteer work in hospital(ER attendant/ patient discharge)
Summer job in doctor's office 20+hrs a week getting to know the intricacies of the profession</p>

<p>will also have very solid essays/recs</p>

<p>I'd say that you should probably try to find another SAT II you can do better at.. I'd recommend trying to find free practice tests online (I think SparkNotes may have some.. but I'm not sure..).</p>

<p>You should be fine. Your GPA, courses, and ECs are good. The SAT II scores do fall a tad bit on the low side but you're SAT I is ok. Your rank is a bit low. (Duke really seems like a big rank whore, so you might want to apply early if it's your first choice.) SAT II Lit is pretty funky so unless you're absolutely amazing at English, I'd pick another one.</p>