Too outdoorsy?

<p>Hy guys- L&C is my top choice out of the ones I've been accepted to so far, and I'm guessing I'll be rejected from the last three I'm waiting to hear from, so It's looking like this is where I'll end up! Pretty happy with it, but one thing I'm concerned about is that I'm (pretty lamely) not outdoorsy at all. I mean, I enjoy being outside, but I really do just mean sitting. :p I'm not into skiing, hiking, etc at all, and it seems like that's a huge part of the social scene at L&C... will this make it hard for me to fit in/will I miss out on a lot because I don't enjoy these activities?</p>

<p>It’s not a problem at all. I’m the same way.</p>

<p>hiii, i’m considering L&C as well, and i wonder what kind of activities are offered for people like us, outdoors but not into the typical aforementioned activities.</p>

<p>Many people just go wandering about campus. DD does some slack lining and fencing (renaissance style outdoors).</p>

<p>does the school supply the fencing material? probably not, right? (doesn’t hurt to ask) =)</p>

<p>:) Actually, in renaissance fencing they don’t use epees but blunted knives and there are no rules. Think of the old Errol Flynn Robin Hood movies. She usually ends up with a bloody lip or black eye (they do wear the guards and masks but…).</p>

<p>wow, sounds like your daughter is having some serious fun! :D</p>

<p>Tryon Park is a great place to wander if you like the outdoors but don’t want to commit to the College Outdoors programs. But even so, the programs are very beginner friendly, there are lots of very inexpensive day trips, I did an awesome snowshoeing trip a few weeks ago. They also offer things like birdwatching trips and whatnot.</p>

<p>Also, just hanging out on campus is great, it’s a beautiful place :)</p>