
<p>I was admitted to L&C EA back in Febuary and was also offered a 10,000$ Dean't Scholarship. I was very excited about the school in general, but have yet to recieve an opprotunity to visit. Then I was accepted into Linfield EA with a 13,600$ scholarship and a chance at another 4000$. This made Linfield very very appealing, especially to the parents as the 20,000$ a year we'd still be paying for L&C made it a lot out of reach. </p>

<p>However, I'm worrying now that I was too quick to dismiss the school. </p>

<p>Does anyone who's visited have thoughts or feelings about the school? I was curious because one of my really good friends visited and hated it, while another just thought it was too "dark". I realize I'll never get a full feeling without visiting (hopefully I'll be able to do this) but any thoughts would be appreciated! Thank you!</p>

<p>What happened to the previous threads about Lewis and Clark? Carolyn posted a comprehensive report about her trip with her daughter to L&C.</p>

<p>My daughter was also admitted EA to L&C and went to the "prospie weekend" in Feb. We (parents) then joined her and spent Sat at the school. My daughter liked it very much. The campus is beautiful and her interactions with professors she met were very positive. While the students are definitely not "preppy", I don't think I would describe them as "dark." Maybe "alternative" is a description. I think Carolyn used the word "quirky." We have a couple of other colleges to visit, but at this time, Lewis and Clark is at the top of the wish list. </p>

<p>I hope you will be able to visit so that you can answer some questions for yourself. Congratulations on your acceptances and your impressive scholarship offers!</p>

<p>rbinaz - I think that CC only displays threads that are less than 30 days old. However, if you do a search with the college name, you will find a bunch of threads discussing the school in some form or another.</p>

<p>Whitneylm - My son is a freshman there and really loves it. He attended a large urban high school where he was not particularly attached to anything. He went to L & C and made friends very quickly. He finds his classes interesting and challenging for the most part. He seem to find lots of things to do on campus and in Portland. The students seem very accepting of everyone. Partying certainly occurs but no one is pressured to drink or smoke if they don't want to. It is a very politically liberal student body. He also reports that everyone he knows is currently very happy at the school as well. </p>

<p>I don't know if it is the right place for you or not. But when I visited with my son, I did not find the place "dark" at all. In fact, of all the campuses we visit -a total of 7 - I liked L&C the best. So what are your reservations?</p>

<p>Thank you both for your responses!</p>

<p>My main reservations is actully price tag. Even with the 10K scholarship its still 20K per year to attend which is way too much for my family. Unless I could get more money there, I don't even think my dad would want to bother visiting. :/ Its rough because I'd like to see the school but I do understand 20K is just outta range. <em>sighs</em></p>