too small?

<p>This question is for Hamilton students or for people who have visited and know a lot about it. </p>

<p>I've heard such amazing things about Hamilton and it really sounds like it would be a great place for me. I'm just worried that it's too small. I go to a really small high school and I'm sick of knowing everything about every single person in the school. I know that you wouldn't know everyone if there are a few thousand people, but is it too small for anyone? I want a medium sized school ideally but I want to know if it's worth it to try Hamilton. </p>

<p>And I haven't visited yet but I'm going to soon</p>

<p>Hi. As a current student here, I can tell you that I haven’t met anyone who did not like Hamilton because of the fact that it is too small. Yes, it is a small school (so if you are looking for a medium sized college, this is not it:( ), but this fact has much more advantages than disadvantages. As you are currently going to a small school you probably know why it is good to attend a small school. But at Hamilton, you will ALWAYS meet new people no matter whether you are freshman or senior. You will always meet new professors and there will always be new clubs or new parts of campus that you have never seen before (or not remember seeing). While many people know each other, there are still plenty of students who will never get to know each other.</p>

<p>You mentioned that you feel Hamilton is kind of a fit for you. Think about why! I’m pretty sure most of the things will come down to the fact that it is a small school (and therefore a strong community, small classes, approachable profs and administration staff, etc)</p>

<p>I and many of my friends here have always lived in huge cities such as NYC, LA, Dallas, etc but Hamilton still doesn’t feel too small. Because of all the speakers who come and talk, and all the alumni relations Hamilton has, you feel connected to the outside world and feel that the college has influence outside of Clinton as well.</p>

<p>So I think it is worth trying Hamilton;)</p>