<p>43, missed Emory, JHU (whoops), Tufts, Brandeis, Lehigh, Case Western Reserve and Yeshiva.</p>
<p>If you got Yeshiva correct it’s time to get off CC and get a life.</p>
<p>43, missed Emory, JHU (whoops), Tufts, Brandeis, Lehigh, Case Western Reserve and Yeshiva.</p>
<p>If you got Yeshiva correct it’s time to get off CC and get a life.</p>
<p>31/50 oh well</p>
<li>I had 4 minutes to go with only 4 left but those last few Cali schools took a while to get out of me.</li>
<p>Missed USC, William and Mary, Wake Forest, BC, Rochester, U of I - Urbana Champaign, UC-Davis, and Yeshiva. </p>
<p>That was fun while it lasted.</p>
<p>38/50 then I got lazy trying to think of other ones</p>
<p>but i cheated a little by looking at this thread haha</p>