Test your knowledge on top schools...

<p>Play this: Can</a> you name the top Universities in the U.S. (based on U.S. News Rankings)? - sporcle</p>

<p>I got 44/50 first try. :)</p>

<p>I love sporcle. I got 43. Missed north east private schools and didn’t think about some of the UCs on there.</p>

<p>I f-cking LOVE Sporcle. I’ve spent hours and hours there. The geography quizzes are the best. <3</p>

<p>I’ll take the quiz now. I’ll probably do horribly…</p>

<p>Edit: Got 19. Better than I expected. :)</p>

<p>I gave up after 33. Someone posted this quiz a while back and I think I got 40. I got all but 3 of the first 25 and then missed a bunch in the second column.</p>

<p>I got 29…I don’t know many of the UCs or southern schools off the top of my head.</p>

<p>39, missed some of the UC’s. It didn’t like some of the ones I entered, like JHU or UIUC (I spelt them out though).</p>

<p>I got these wrong -</p>

<p>Northwestern University
Carnegie Mellon University
Georgetown University
University of Southern California<br>
Tufts University<br>
Wake Forest University<br>
Brandeis University <– I spelled it wrong =
Lehigh University<br>
University of California–San Diego
University of Rochester
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
University of California–Santa Barbara
Yeshiva University</p>

<p>37 out of 50 </p>

<p>If it didn’t provide the states I would have got much lower.</p>

<p>I clicked give up after 23/50, there were a lot that made me go D’oh. I got like 5 of them by simply typing in the name of the state lol.</p>


<p>I missed RPI and Lehigh.</p>

<p>I got 43…yeah states were very helpful! U of ______ (state) :)</p>

<p>Man I only got 37 and I’ve been on CC for over a year lmao. I got these wrong:</p>

<p>Carnegie Mellon University
University of Southern California
Tufts University
Wake Forest University
Brandeis University (I thought this was a LAC, I guess uni being in the name should’ve tipped me off)
Lehigh University
University of California–San Diego
University of Rochester
Case Western Reserve University
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
University of California–Santa Barbara
Pennsylvania State University–University Park
Yeshiva University</p>

<p>44/50. Noiceee :)</p>

<p>someone posted this before and i got a 50. :D</p>

<p>45, missed a couple easy ones lime William and Mary and NYU. No clue and missed Rensselaer, Lehigh, and Yevisha.</p>

<p>45/50 here</p>

<p>I’ve played this before and I can get all of them now. First time probably was in the 30s I think.</p>


UC Davis

<p>I’m not sure how I forgot Rochester, since I’ve grown up hearing horror stories about it from my dad. I’d never even heard of Brandeis.</p>

<p>42, missed:</p>

<p>Wake Forest
William & Mary
Case Western
Yeshiva- never heard of it before</p>

<p>The last time there was a thread about this I think I got 41. I don’t want to play it again.</p>

<p>33/50 :P</p>
