Top Companies that recruit from Cornell?

<p>Hello I'm interested in CALS-AEM</p>

<p>What are the top companies that recruit fellow Cornell undergrads or grads? Thanks</p>

<p>2008 (preliminary):
Lehman Brothers
Lockheed Martin
Cornell University
Merrill Lynch
Goldman Sachs & Co.
Teach for America</p>

Cornell University
Goldman Sachs & Co.
IBM Business Consulting Services
JPMorgan Chase
Lehman Brothers
Merrill Lynch
Morgan Stanley
National Institutes of Health
Peace Corps
Steve & Barry’s University Sportswear
Teach for America

Cornell University
Goldman Sachs & Co.
IBM Business Consulting Services
J. P. Morgan Chase & Co.
ehman Brothers
Morgan Stanley
Peace Corps
Teach for America
U.S. Navy</p>

<p>From [Cornell</a> Post Graduate Survey Results](<a href=“]Cornell”></p>

<p>I’d probably also add in Johnson and Johnson and a few others…</p>

<p>A couple of years into the depression? Who knows.</p>

<p>I bet the farms will be hiring though.</p>

<p>I can tell you who ISN’T hiring right now. Lehman Brothers… :)</p>

<p>very true!</p>

<p>That list you provided is not even close…</p>

Lehman Brothers (they dont exist)
Lockheed Martin
Cornell University
Merrill Lynch (they dont exist)
Goldman Sachs & Co.
Teach for America
Mckinsey & co
Bain & Co
The Blackstone group
Greenhill & co
Lazard Freres
Citadel Investment Group
Morgan Stanley
Barclays Capital
Jp Morgan
Credit Suisse
Deustche Bank
Proctor and Gamble
Conde Nast
just to name a few…but most companies recruit here</p>

<p>what do you mean it’s not even close? That list was compiled from student responses on the post-graduate survey. There are other companies that recruit Cornell students, but those were the top ones. Obviously I know Lehman Brothers no longer exists, but they were one of the top recruiters in the past.</p>

<p>He’s just adding in some of the major ones you missed.</p>

<p>Out of curiosity, does anyone think there might be a relationship between top employers of Cornellians and companies going bankrupt? Just wondering ;)</p>

<p>When I applied to ILR about a couple of months ago, I was interested in obtaining an internship at Goldman Sachs, since I enjoyed my last one at Smith Barney. Fast-forward two months later (now), and I’m accepted, but Goldman Sachs may soon no longer exist, unless Henry Paulson decides to bail them out! With that said, maybe it would be a good idea to join a consulting firm like Bain & Company, since we’re in these tough economic times and businesses need consulting more than ever. :D…</p>

<p>consulting is wildly expensive and the first thing many ailing companies eliminate to cut costs, so bain and mckinsey will suffer, albeit not as much as some investment banks.</p>

<p>the thing is, ibanks need new labor each recruiting season, even if there are hard times. They get the most benefit out of (relatively) cheap new hires, although there will probably be fewer of them.</p>