<p>The whole talk about “top schools” and rankings is basically for college majors that will have 10,000 new grads competing for the same 1,000 jobs.</p>
<p>For majors like computer science or applied mathematics, you can graduate from the 200th ranked school and still have multiple job offers. Furthermore, in the years I have worked in senior engineering and/or engineering management, the group of new grads are from schools with various “mythical rankings”. The Top-10 school grads are sitting right next to the State-U grads who are sitting next to the 2+2 grads (2 years at community college, 2 years at university) who sitting next to local so-called no-name school grads…and ALL of them are reporting to some engineering manager who graduated from the University of No-Name.</p>
<p>Reading posts about how serious folks take rankings, AP courses and the like is funny when it really doesn’t matter if you are taking an “in-demand” major.</p>