Top UC's MSE Chances?

W GPA: 4.2
UW GPA: 3.72
UC GPA: 4.06

SAT: September 2016- 1300 (740 Math, 560 ELA, 6/6/5 essay)
June 2017- 1460 (780 Math, 680 ELA) 5/6/4 essay)- I studied a lot
SAT 2: Math 2- 750
Chem- 720
AP: Chem- 3, Calc AB-5, Lang- 3, pyshc- 3

next year will take AP Calc BC, AP Bio, AP Lit, and Intro to Engineering

Community Service- Tutored Kids in Library this summer (about 40 hours)
CSF Active Member
Awards- Science Olympiad 3rd Place in Invitationals Junior Year and Sophmore Year

  • School Academic Award in Math Junior Year and Sophmore Year
  • School Honor Roll
  • AP Scholar
    ECs- CSF- 10th, 11th, 12th
    JV Swim 10th, 11th - i will quit next year
    -Science Olympiad- 10th, 11th, 12th (Event Coordinator Senior Year)- i have 2 medals in Fermi and Exp Design in
    Invitationals this year, but our team always does bad in regionals
  • are these EC’s and Awards good enough- I have 1 leadership position

how would i get chanced for both UCLA and UC Berkley chemical engineering?
and also materials engineering?
is it much easier to get into materials engineering compared to other enigneeirng fields?

R, M and SC will probably take you. D, I and SB could go either way and the rest are unliklety.

apply broadly - maybe include SDSU and CPP as well.

good luck

is 6 UC 2 CSU and 2 OOS finne?

which ones and fine for what?

UCI MSE alt major Biochem
UCD ChE alt major MSE
UCLA Biochem alt major Psychobio
UCR Biochem alt major Bio
UCSD Human Bio alt major Biochem
UCSB ChE alt major Biochem
CP SLO MatE alt major Bio
CPP ChE alt major Chem
Alabama ChE
UMinn ChE

Your list looks fine. Assuming CPP/Alabama and UCR are probably safeties/low Match schools?

ye they are
is it fine that i am applying to so many schools with all these majors?

10 schools is average if you are applying to the UC’s for competitive majors.

your list looks good. Since the CSUs share an ap, I’d add SDSU - it is a very good school