I’m looking for any insight/advice into where to go on exchange, as a Political Science (minor in film studies) student from the west coast of Canada, for the Winter 2020 semester from McGill University, as the exchange deadline application is in less than 2 weeks. My options are pretty extensive (outside of the US) but I’m really leaning towards UNC Chapel Hill of all places. I feel like this is a dumb move though considering how similar it may be to Canada/my current university experience and the breadth of options across the world. The other places I’m considering are Australia, England, and France (having not yet narrowed it down to specific schools/regions).
I really love being a university student and I want to make the most of it while I can, meaning I’m looking for a place I can be immersed in college culture if that makes sense. I also currently live in an off campus apartment so I’d like to be in a dorm, on campus. I’m also planning on travelling through Europe after graduation and possibly living in England in the future, and have been before.
These are the pros and cons I’ve come up with for each area. Please let me know what you think or if you have any advice or suggestions! thanks
USA (UNC Chapel Hill but I’m also interested in U of Virginia)
-never been to the south/south east of the US or really experienced that subset of American culture
-love the college town vibe and Montreal doesn’t always provide that–again, have never really experienced it to the fullest extent
-likely will never have the urge/opportunity to live in that part of the world again, especially as I graduate and leave ‘college culture’ behind
-as a poli sci student, would be interesting to witness the run-up to the 2020 US elxn up close
-campus looks nice
-I love living in dorms
-might be too similar to my current experience
-worried it might be harder to make friends considering the dorm-based community(?) and how most people my age will already have their ‘groups’
-might be boring going from a big city to a small college town (on the same note, won’t legally be able to drink)
-is the campus kind of blah?
-hot!!! and beautiful!
-might be my best chance to spend months there, considering how far away it is
-very physically different
-I can see myself travelling to Australia in the future and I feel like I wouldn’t have to be in college to have the same experience
-not sure how well I would balance academics with wanting to be at the beach etc
-universities look too modern (this is so specific)
-spiders and snakes…
-love how old everything is
-accessible culture
-I love England
-been before, going this summer too and can see myself even living there in the future
-as with Australia and France, I feel like their concept of being in university is different than what I like–more grown up and independent maybe?
-would (maybe?) have to find my own housing at some schools
-planning on travelling through Europe after graduation so I already plan on spending time there. Also, I would be tempted to travel to neighbouring countries on weekends which could be bad for studies/my budget for travel after graduation
Same as above but added cons of 1) my French being decent but not great (which could maybe lead to a harder time making friends too?) and 2) cost of living in France (especially in Paris where I would like to be)
Sorry if this is all jumbled. I just don’t know if I’m letting my desire for the typical college experience get in the way of a great opportunity i.e. living in Australia or something! But I also think that I have logical reasons to consider UNC for exchange. Thanks in advance for any help!!