Tornado frequency in South Bend?

How often do tornadoes occur in South Bend during the school year? And what are the safety protocols ND has in the scenario of a tornado warning or an actual tornado?

I dont live in south bend or go to any of the colleges there, but i live in the next town over. As far as I remember, there hasn’t been a tornado touchdown in a couple years, but there have been many tornado warnings/watches.
When theres a tornado warning, youd probably go into the lower levels of buildings or tunnels if possible. When theres tornado warnings, listen to the news. They usually dont turn into tornadoes, but if they do, then definately get below ground or as close to it as possible

I live right near ND and will attending ND next year, and I know that there are often storms, but not that many tornadoes recently, just watches/warning as the above poster said. Right now I am working at ND and my boss did tell me in case of a tornado we do go into the basement. I know that most if not all of the dorms do have basements for sure.

okay thanks guys and @npswimmer44 which bank do you recommend or is popular at ND? i have a TD bank account right now

@JHuff11 I use TCU (Teacher’s Credit Union), but in the basement of LaFortune there is a First Source Bank, and you can find Notre Dame Credit Union on campus also. Just off campus there are many different banks in the area. I would think that it would be easiest to find something close to ND, especially if you don’t have transportation off-campus.