tough teacher...

I<code>m currently taking IB math HL- the teacher is so strict, and he never curves any of the test scores, even though almost half the class fails. Only one person gets an A, and then most of the ppl either get C</code> s or D`s.

Im not bad at math at all, its just that the teachers grading system is unfair. the class scores do not lie on a bell curve at all....Thats why I think I`m gonna end up with a C+ this semester in math...

Do you think this is complaining? How much will this C+ hurt my chances? Anything I can do to help this situation? I<code>ve talked to my GC about this many times, but she won</code>t do anything at all…

<p>The GC could include the class average in her report - that would take some of the sting off. If she is not willing to do this for you, she may be willing to do it if your 'rents ask.</p>

<p>thats nothing new. in my school, in pre-calc honors, the teacher is so hard that the number one student in the junior class is getting a C in the class, and no one gets higher than that. the class average is a C-/D+ and the teachers in my school never curve anything. not to be mean or anything, but i think its right that your GC isnt doing anything b/c your not the only person in that particular situation.</p>