Transfer apps consider academic violations in high school?

When I was a high school sophomore, I got an academic violation that went on my permanent record. I had straight As, and it was pretty early in the year, so despite the 0 I got on the assignment, I did end up with a solid B. I then took the California High School Proficiency Exam to get my high school diploma and went to community college. My college record is basically pristine, and I have a 4.0. The violation was for not properly citing my sources (leading to accidental plagiarism), which may sound “minor”, but my school takes such incidents VERY seriously and it also happened to me before. However, it was classified as the lowest type of violation, and honestly, if I stayed until senior year, there was a chance that I could have gotten it removed from my transcript. Do I need to/how do I disclose this on my UC transfer application? As far as I know, I do not submit my high school transcript, which shows the violation, but rather, I just have to submit my CHSPE certificate and results.

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