transfer chances

<p>Applying from MD community college with a 3.5 give or take what are my chances at transferring in with super strong ECs and good recs and great personal statement? there acceptance rate for transfer according to the website is over 56% I was surprised by this but was assured that this is correct by a transfer advisor. Over 30 credits HS and SAT won't apply. more info available upon request.</p>

<p>bump please help</p>

<p>so what happened? I’m from CA with a 3.34 since returning to school only 2.69 total because I had like 4 D’s and 2 F’s, one of which was in an acting class. LOL! Same deal here, good recs, great letters, strong 210 hrs volunteer work experience blah blah blah… a reply would be nice if someone has a similar scholastic path and would share, that’d be super helpful. Thanks!</p>