Transfer... chances?

<p>okay… so im a sophomore in college and I’ve been considering transferring to Bard, among a few other schools… my high school stats were pretty bad… had a lot of issues back then so i started off at a respectable (yet not highly competitive school in boston) I’m an English major, great writer with a particular interest in Theatre (sort of why i wanna go to bard)</p>

<p>Extra stuff:</p>

<p>This year one of my plays was picked to compete at the Kennedy Center for performing arts Regional Playwriting festival. I don’t know if I will advance to the nationals yet… im not getting my hopes up.</p>

<p>I also do a lot of extra curricular stuff at my school and I was hired as a teaching assisant for the 1 credit class on transitioning into college.</p>

<p>Held a job at residence life over the summer.</p>

<p>I was accepted to the writing center scholars program at my school (I tutor other students and help them improve their writing)</p>

<p>Important stuff/grades:</p>

<p>Ive been on dean’s list for the past 2 semesters. This semester I had 3 A’s and a B (about a 3.8), last semester 3 A’s and a B- (3.6, 3.7) but my 1st semester was a little rough… i ended up with 2 A’s a B and a D+ (3.0 even) the D was in communications (i entered as a journalism major but it turned out to be not for me… and the class was really impersonal with 100 plus kids… just not my thing.
Overall my GPA about a 3.4 (but would be a lot higher if it werent for that stupid D) </p>

<p>So far I’ve received A’s in all the english courses I’ve taken and my B’s were in major unrelated cores like Math, ethics and Law (dont ask… it was a passing phase)</p>

<p>So do I have a chance? Be honest. I purposely gave a lot of info… sorry if it’s a book.</p>

<p>Admissions tends to see the whole person and their potential to succeed rather than a lot of #'s. Writing skills are key to success at Bard, as is passion for your subject(s). Perhaps you can clearly state in your (well crafted) essays the factors that have led you to where you are and where you want to go. If they see your strengths, they may understand mistakes and flaws behind you- everyone has them. Who knows, with the economy in the shape it’s in there may be more slots for transfer than in the past, as well…</p>