Transfer Chances


<p>Thanls for your comment. I'm sure that there is a lot of applicants with better stats than me , but I'm also concerned that SAT is not the only thing to take into account in the application.</p>

<p>Thank you very much and don't hesitate about replying.</p>


<p>Thanks a lot for your comments, they are very intresting. Maybe I made a mistake when using the expression " Sons of the most powerful people" and all that stuff I wrote. The fact is that the people that even think about going into an ivy, is people with personality and a very important thing, they are dreamers.They are passioned, just as you said, and just like you are.</p>

<p>I know that I wont be famus just for the fact of having a title from Harvard or other prestigious universities. But I konw that I want to serve my country, and I want to help it with the best that I have, so If I want to do my best effort in that dream I must look for the best institution that give me the oportunity to learn how to serve. That's why I want to go to this universities.</p>

<p>On the english thing. You are certanly right and if everything goes well I will take rigorous courses in english to solve in part the problem.</p>

<p>As a final note, may I ask for your help in the process? You know..questions about the college...bla, bla,bla...</p>

<p>Thanks a lot, I 'll expecting your answer.</p>


<p>I'm very pleased to have sincere people like you, I wont harsh for any comment that you or any person make, furthermore, I must thank you and all the people that have participated in this forum.
You are right in the english problem and if everything goes as planned I thinking about making rigorous coruses to solve the problem.
The process is not easy, it took me 4 years to find how to do things correctly and with possibilities of financial aid..but...The one who I'm giving my best shot.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot</p>


<p>Hello, thanks for your participation.</p>

<p>About the academic level in Colombia...the fact is weird but not wrong and has avery intresting explanation. Colombia as many other third world countries has a lot of trouble, particulary in the coverage( Cubrimiento, lo siento si esta mal escrito) of higher education. So, the undergraduate programs are more demanding because they need that a person learn as much as he / she can because access to graduate education is too low.</p>

<p>For now, I want to have the possibility to choose. You are correct in all that you say about the change an its consequences, but if is the right thing for me, I must assume the quest.</p>

<p>UCLA is one of the best institutions I know, its very competitive. Congrats to you , its not easy to get in there. May be I expressed in the wrong way about people and universities. My intention is not that " social thing" , my intention is to prepare my self to serve my country in the best institution I can find, and the comment of the importance of people is a fact that I have used to take my application desitions. </p>

<p>For now, everything is just a possiblity, so the application is not ready yet. When I get my socres I'll check my intentions and , why not going to UCLA?</p>

<p>Thanks a lot. Lo felicito por ese espa</p>

<p>Algorth: Your academic record speaks for itself, and if you have solid SAT scores, I think you have a very good shot at the universities you mentioned. I can tell from your posts that you have an extensive English vocabulary... with more classes your writing will greatly improve.</p>

<p>Me encanta 100 a</p>


<p>I figured that's what you meant, and the passion and creativity of the students (that I know, at least) at harvard are what really drew me to the school--and it will definitely give you an excellent education--whatever you choose to do with it. About helping you or giving you an idea of what the school's like, I would love to, but you'll have to give me a bit of time (I'm not there yet). Right now I'm hoping on concentrating in Social Studies, if there's room. If not, probably a joint concentration in Psychology and Sociology--so I'm not really sure if this is in your area, but I can fill you in on everything else! (i'll post my email here when I get the new one or you can pm me or something)</p>
