Hi I wanted to be chanced for chemical engineering at UC Berkeley college of chemistry, UC Santa Barbera, UC Los Angeles, and Cornell please!
So here are my EC’s And Grades
- Manager at a car store for 4 years.
- Assistant Manager at a gas station for 3 years.
- Co Founder and Vice President of an international level club called Circle K International, a volunteer club. For 2 years.
- Interned at a new engineering firm, and assisted with making deals presenting to companies and got to know how to code a few things with the software engineers this lasted for about a year.
- Interned with a semi famous company near me for a summer.
2012 Spring
B 3Units Sociology race culture and inequality
2012 Summer
W 5Units Calculus I
2013 Summer
C 5Units Calculus I
C 3Units ENGLISH critical thinking
B 3Units world History
B 3Units philosophy knowledge/reality
B 3Units SCSI intro to ethnic studies
2013 Fall
B 3Units Elementary Astronomy
C 3Units Women in AMERICAN history
C 3Units philosophy intro to critical thinking
A 3Units Psychology social science
F 5Units Organic Chemistry I
F 4Units physics mechanics
2014 Spring
W 4Units General Biology
A 3Units Cultural Anthropology
A 3Units History of the US
A 3Units philosophy women in western cultures
A 3Units psychology
A 5Units intermediate French
A 3Units public speaking
C 4Units physics mechanics
B 5 units Organic Chemistry I
2014 Summer
A 5Units Calculus II
A 5Units Calculus III
A 5Units General Chem I
A 4Units Biology
A 3Units Psychology
A 3Units Intro to women’s studies
A 3Units programming
A 3Units sociology
A 4Units Geology
2014 Fall
A 5Units Organic Chemistry II
A 4Units Physics electricity and magnetism
A 4Units physics heat waves and sounds
A 3Units programming
A 4.5Units Properties of Materials
A 4.5Units zoology
A 5Units general chem II
A 5Units Diff Equations/Linear Algebra
A 3Units Matlab
A 3Units English II
A 3Units Philosophy
A 3Units Psychology
A 3Units Art History
A 3Units Sociology
A 3Units Humanities
My Major Prep GPA would be around 3.68 and my overall GPA was about 3.78
Spring I took off because of personal reasons I’m planning on returning in spring finishing C++ and maybe taking Biochemistry or another class through open campus at one of the CC’s so if I were to apply for fall 2017 so send in my app this November with excellent personal statements what would my chances be?