<p>Hello everyone, sooo I don't know if this was the correct place to post this as far as getting the most opinions/answers but..</p>
<p>okay so i've actually been struggleing with this for like basically 3 years! I graduated HS in 2009 and ended up going to a local community college in thier communications and new media major. basically film/editing kind of stuff. I am in my third semester now..completed a whole year and now am in the beg of my second year. I really don't want to be here anymore. I still live at home and I need to get out of here.
I have some problems and questions that I was just wondering if people could give thier opinion about...i'll take anything, just basically wondering what other people think is all I want out of this since I never really know what to do.</p>
<p>Okay, so I always wanted to go to a Christian school but I've had trouble finding one that has the area in which I kind of want to study. Since like film etc majors can be so broad it's kind of difficult to get exacts, which also is my problem since I don't know exactly what I want either. I know I like that kind of stuff but if you asked me "what do you want to do as a career" I have no idea. I basically go in circles all the time with decisions so I'm not really getting anywhere. </p>
<p>There are lots of factors that go into me being indecisive. First is cost, basically most Christian schools are private and cost a lot! I almost got to transfer to Lipscomb in nashville TN for this year but it didn't work out because I couldn't get enough financial aid and scholarships and really didn't want to take out huge loans.
Another problem of mine is now that I'm not so sure I want to go all that far away. Ugh, I hate where I live, I live in New England which is like in the corner of the US so basically everything is far away. There is also very few christian college options up here. So forget Christian schools that are in like california and on the west coast, I dont think i'm ready to be thrown that far away from my family yet. However I know that for my major and what i'm interested in, there isn't really a lot of oppourtunities for that up here. Closest big city for that kind of stuff is NYC which I am willing to go too. I was just wondering if anyone knows any Christian schools that would have what I'm interested in, and doesn't cost too much that are in and around the NYC area. I don't really know if any of those exist so I dont know what to do!</p>
<p>Which leads me to another question, what do you all really think are the pros/cons of going to Christian Colleges vs. regular ones. I mean of course especially around NYC there are a ton of colleges that will have my major but they aren't christian affiliated so I'm just really not sure what I want to do. I've never gotten to be in a huge christian environment ever, went to public school, my church has like 40 people max in it, my CC i'm at right now is just a regular CC...I mean so I want to try the christian atmosphere but sometimes I just don't see how thats possible.</p>
<p>So...after all of that babbeling (thanks if you actually made it this far lol) what my questions are:
1.) Are there any christian schools that you can reccomend that fit my requirments/needs?
2.) If not are there any regular schools that may have a lot of oppourtunities for both my mjaor and my want to do faith-based activites maybe?
3.) Just any general opinions on what I should do would be helpful also.</p>
<p>Thanks everyone, sorry if this post is like really confusing lol.</p>
<p>hmm…well actually now that I think about it I dont really know what I didnt like. i feel like i just didn’t click with it…however that was like almost 2 years ago during my senior year of HS. maybe i’ll look into it again.
gahh I just feel like i’m never going to move on in my life and I feel really stuck.</p>
<p>basically what i’d like is just a bunch of college suggestions…are there even any christian ones around NYC/New England that has my major? Or even non-christian schools that people have heard have a good program for my major but also maybe some good strong christian groups or clubs or something?
anything really…i just…need info and decision making lol</p>
<p>thank you, but i’ve done that test many times.</p>
<p>thanks for the input guys i appreciate it, but i’ve honestly done like every test, matchmaker, research tool possible I swear. All i’m really curious about is people’s opinions, what they’ve heard about certain schools, I was wondering if there were some certain school that I might have not heard of or come across or something that might somewhat fit what i’m looking for</p>
<p>also, is hofstra a christian school? or just a private one?</p>
<p>I know you don’t want to go far away, but Biola has a good reputation for film. Plus they’re in the L.A. area, which is always a plus if you want to go into that.</p>
<p>yeah I know, ugh I wish I didn’t grow up in like the corner of the US lol. i just can’t fathom going all the way to CA right now…but I wish I grew up more central, than every place would be like the same distance away haha.
but thanks for the suggestion.</p>
<p>The biggest “con” is that faith “is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Higher education on the other hand, is a process of labeling as true only those things that are proven - not hoped for, and demonstrated - not unseen. Faith, as a way of determining truth, is the polar opposite of the process of reasoning that’s taught as higher education. Christian colleges offer a very warm, supportive environment for believers, but many people in our society do not believe that the product they offer passes muster for “higher education.”</p>
<p>The only thing I know of that’s close to it is sound recording technology. There’s a couple people at my school (Colorado Christian University) who do that. But it’s not really film, obviously.
I think that there are Christian groups at a lot of secular colleges; one just has to be proactive about seeking them out. A lot of my friends have gotten caught up in college life and forgot about the importance of fellowshiping with other Christians. I think that if you’re this concerned about it, though, you’ll probably have the stamina to find a group that fits your interest. And if there isn’t one at the school you want to go to, you can always make one, as intimidating as that sounds Good luck with your school search! I really hope you find what God wants you to do.</p>
<p>Have you looked at Liberty? Yes, it is a little exensive but it is a great christian school and it has a major in visual communication arts. It has stuff to do with film at least.</p>