<p>Alright, so I'm taking physics this summer at my school and it sucks. Per usual, I've got some professor who does nothing but research and they've pulled this one out of hers for the summer (I believe she's only taught once before) and she's seriously dreadful. Well first "semester" is up in a week and I don't want to take out another 5 grand loan for the second semester as well. Well TSU, a state school, is right next door and I want to just take the second semester of physics there. The credit won't transfer to my current school (b/c, quite frankly their snobby... although the caliber of work rigor is different, so I guess I get it...) but I'll still be taking it. Well I know people who have done this before, but I just wanted to make sure that my physics credit will still count when I fill out my AMCASs for fufilling the medical requirements.</p>
<p>The only downfall I can see by it not transferring to my current school is that it won't effect my GPA, however, 30 students who didn't like their grade in the second semester of physics this past yr are retaking it this summer, so I'll be one of very few (~20) who will not have had it before so I'm guessing my grade might not be what I want anyway.</p>
<p>The biggest reason I wanna do the state school thing is for money reasons. I'm having to take out a 5K loan for this stupid class and I don't feel like it is worth it at all for a subpar teacher. I'm struggling right now to try and pull off a B in the course and I know I'll get the A at the state school. I'd rather make the better grade and pay a LOT less money for it (900 bucks).</p>
<p>Feedback? Thanks.</p>