Transfer form University of Chicago to Emory

<p>I am currently a freshman at The University of Chicago (Hyde Park) and would like to transfer to Emory. I didn’t do amazing in high school and had a cumulative gpa of 3.3 and a 24 on my act. However, I went from a 2.9 gpa my first year of high school to a 3.8 my final year. There was a constant trend of my grades improving over time. I received a 3.7 (two A’s and a B) my first semester of college, and am on the dean’s list. We are on trimesters so I will have two of the three completed before the deadline. I am an active member of The Organization of Black Students and am on its board for political outreach. A group of fellow classmates and I also founded an afterschool mentoring / performing arts program for local Southside teens. I also participated in a program that allowed me to formulate my own curriculum and teach local teens a class. I plan on majoring in French or Chinese and I’m somewhat fluent in French.
Please tell me what do you think my chances are of getting accepted into Emory?</p>

<p>I think you have an excellent shot. What makes you want to transfer out of UChicago, if you don’t mind me asking?</p>

<p>how come you only took three classes your first semester? that could be a bit worrisome</p>

<p>i’m assuming you are african american as you are active in the organization of black students…if so, that will really help…i think you’ll have a really good shot, i’m just a bit concerned about the rigor of your coursework thus far</p>

<p>quarter system</p>

<p>yea Im on qtrs so our classes are like 10 weeks . I jusy dont like the overall arua and the cold. The work and eveerything get to you. I just cant see myself there four years.</p>

<p>From what I hear from my UofC friends, 3 courses is a normal course load.</p>

<p>if three courses is normal for the uc quarter system (i am pretty much ignorant in regards to how this actually work) you will be a very competitive applicant, just make sure you write a great essay and get good recs.</p>

<p>Students can graduate in four years at Chicago by taking three classes per quarter about half the time, and four courses the other quarters. (Three or four are considered full time.) Many students take three courses first quarter freshman year to get acclimated, make friends, and find activities in which they’d like to participate.</p>

<p>Dude, stay in UofC. It’s an awesome school and, at any rate, much better one than Emory.</p>

<p>What does that have to do with anything? Prestige is not the most important factor to everyone. I would never want to go to Uchicago. I hear that it is where fun goes to die, and Emory is still a great school in a much nicer climate.</p>