<p>Hey, long time reader, first time poster.</p>
<p>Here is my current situation.
This coming year I'll be entering my second year at the University of British Columbia. I'm wanting to get into one of the top medical schools in the US, notably Penn, and I was wondering if I would have a better chance of getting accepted into medical school based on if the school is public/private and prestige of the school.</p>
<p>I was looking at the latest USNEWS rankings, specifically at the "rankings based on subjects", and comparing UBC to Penn in the life sciences category, UBC had a clear-cut advantage. I understand that rankings aren't everything so I just want to ask how are the "premed" courses like at Penn? How does it compare with Cornell? JHU? realistically these schools would be my best bet, others such as Stanford are close to impossible to transfer into.=/</p>
<p>I'm stuck at a standstill. To apply to the Penn Med school, one year of coursework from an accredited US institution is needed, this is also the case with many other American med schools such as Hopkins. So transferring is a must in my eyes. Although Hopkins would be a great choice for a prospective med student, they don't have a financial aid program for internationals (including canadians) correct me if I'm wrong...</p>
<p>One last question, sorry this is so long:|. Hypothetically, would a Bachelor of Science degree from Penn be seen as greater than a BSc from UBC? Based more upon the prestige of the schools rather than the respective program?</p>