Transfer from CCPA to Harpur

My daughter applied to Bing EA as undecided and was deferred at Harpur but accepted into CCPA. She does not have any real interest in the CCPA program but would like to transfer to Harpur. If she decides to accept the offer does anyone know if it will be difficult for her to transfer into Harpur after her freshman year? Her other option is to decline the acceptance to CCPA and take her chances with Harpur RD. I just feel uncomfortable giving up the acceptance and having her take her chances with RD.

In the same boat. Unsure what direction to take, so will sleep,on it and do some more investigating about CCPA

Same. Unsure, so will dig a little deeper. It’s certainly a curveball.

I’m in the same situation. Fortunate news is the email we received the other day stating the if we maintain a 3.0 atleast we can take any major at Harpur. That is definitely a relief.

That email was a relief. My D is accepting the offer.

What did everyone else decide to do? I hope you are all attending Bing in the fall.