Transfer from India, finished 10th in India but HS wont recognize the courses - should take GED?

It might not…but it is not “gaming the system.”

A kid was sent to live with grandparents.

Dad states that their ENTIRE family (140 people) live in the US.

This is not gaming the system. It is doing what lots of expats do, doing what lots of families who live on the border of states with better state schools do.

Perhaps this will work out for this family.

It doesn’t matter if 2000 members of the student family live here. Really…what matters is that his PARENTS live here or that they give up their legal guardianship of this student to the grandparents. If they do so…of course, they are not gaming the system.

Any FAMILY (that would be parents and kid) that establishes their domicile in a state is entitled to instate resdicenty status in that state. Of course that is the case. And yes…many expats DO move back to this country for just that reason…to establish that domicile…and residency. No one is arguing that with you @CValle

But that’s not what this family is doing.

Depending on the type of guardianship…it might all work out for them.

It might not.

But back to their question…and back ON topic.

Good that they have an assistant superintendent who is willing to help them in terms if evaluating their son’s past courses…and getting him placed appropriately.

Thanks for all the responses. I had no intention to put my son just for “instate tuition”. In fact, I want him to study in California (cause the weather is nice) or even a private school. I graduated from UIUC and if my son wants to study at my alma mater, no problem. that’s up to him…

Our purpose was to get my son situated and not be lost when it’s time for college. Also it’s a different experience and environment that he needs to adjust to. We are also moving back in 2 years after work is finished here.

Anyways, thanks for all the info and do appreciate everything.