<p>I am a freshman at brown and am considering transferring. However there are only a few equally or more selective schools that I would consider going to, like yale, stanford, or columbia. With the miniscule transfer acceptance rates that those colleges boast, I was wondering how they approach an applicant who comes from a similarly selective school. Since the retention rates at ivies are so high, do such applicants find greater success since so few are coming from similar schools, or do colleges prefer transfers from cc or lower tiered schools because of the "success story" these applicants project? I'd be happy to provide any stats if that would make answering the question easier.</p>
<p>Stats plz. And to be fair, the 3 schools you’ve listed are more selective (and more prestigious) than your current one. It’s funny how one can spot a gunner from about a mile away (for example, why are you considering BOTH Yale and Stanford?).</p>
<p>Kids from other top schools have the best chance. Like all transfers you’ll need to articulate a good reason for the transfer and have earned a high GPA at Brown and have excellent recs.</p>
<p>Also, S will be more difficult than the other two as they take more CC and non-traditional students in transfer admissions.</p>
<p>Just out of curiosity, what don’t you like about Brown?</p>
<p>Thanks for the insight. There are a few reasons (though I don’t HATE it by any stretch of the imagination). I found that some of the original reasons- great freedom to explore academically, freewheeling, liberal image- that I was attracted to Brown were things I thought I wanted but discovered weren’t necessarily for me. I found in my first semester that academically I thrive in a more structured environment and that the freedom to explore and a liberal atmosphere was something I would find at most of the schools I looked at-- Brown really just gave me them to an extreme degree that was too much for me. I found I was a more conventional person than I thought I was, and I was interested in a school, and a student body, for that matter, that was a little more down-to-earth (maybe I’m just too type A). </p>
<p>I guess it’s sort of like how you always see as a precaution for some schools “it’s not for everyone, but…” so it might just not be for me.</p>
<p>^^^Totally understandable. </p>
<p>See my post #15 on the make up of Y’s 2008 transfer class:</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/yale-university/598296-yale-transfer-fall-2009-a.html?highlight=transfer[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/yale-university/598296-yale-transfer-fall-2009-a.html?highlight=transfer</a></p>
<p>Entomom, I know what you posted is what’s often said about Stanford, but I’m not sure it’s true. They will take CC students sometime, especially from CC’s local to them, but a friend’s daughter who recently transferred there thinks it’s a myth and says the vast majority are from other top colleges.</p>
<p>hmom5, My information comes from Bourne who transferred to S last year. I acknowledge that this is just from the 2008 transfer class and should be more careful about stating that, I’ll definitely be more careful in the future. If your friend’s D could give us her view of other transfer years at S, or the bigger picture if possible, that would be great. I definitely don’t want to spread false information and I’m all in favor of those folks that have data sharing it.</p>
<p>For instance, there are a lot of unfounded musings going on in this thread:</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/transfer-students/574567-previous-college-matter-transfer.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/transfer-students/574567-previous-college-matter-transfer.html</a></p>
<p>I’m not sure either so I will ask if she can break it down.</p>
<p>Eleven of us are from CC’s/JC’s. I don’t know if that implies preference – those are strictly the numbers. </p>
<p>Here’s something a bit more empirical. I won’t give any information that isn’t already public away – and this is, so …</p>
<p>[Jack</a> Kent Cooke Foundation - Search Results](<a href=“December 2024 Newsletter - Jack Kent Cooke Foundation”>December 2024 Newsletter - Jack Kent Cooke Foundation)</p>
<p>Four of them are in my class, the fifth was in last years class. You can click on their bio’s to see that they all went to CC’s.</p>
<p>Thanks for the input Bourne. Good to hear from you, hope all is going well at S!</p>