<p>OK so I'm from Massachusetts, but I'm at the University of Edinburgh. I attended a boarding school, got into a bunch of schools like McGill and BC, but I decided to go to my safety school - Edinburgh. While I like it, I can't take the courses required for entry into graduate programs in engineering or medicine because the curriculum is so narrow. I'm majoring in biology, so I'm taking two biology courses and one chemistry course each semester over the first year. </p>
<p>Outside of not meeting the required classes to transfer to a lot of schools, the marking scheme is a bit different - the average is about a 60, and anything above a 70 is an 'A' although no GPA is really calculated. The first two years are really a pass/fail situation, so I don't know how that looks either. Really the problem is that I don't feel like I'm spending enough time on my coursework and I'm not taking the classes that I want to. I really need to get out!</p>
<p>Do any of you know of schools that don't have a required curriculum for transfers into sophmore year? I'm looking into schools like McGill, Vanderbilt, BC... I did decently well in high school, with a 3.9 GPA, 4 AP classes and a 2100 on the SAT. HELP!</p>