<p>OK...Georgetown College vs. Carleton. I know that both these schools have great academics, and am excited to have this choice to make. :) I'm planning on concentrating in either Government (Poli Sci at Carleton) and/or History. After my undergrad is complete, I would like to attend law school, or go on to grad school for an advanced degree (teaching is another profession that appeals to me). I have some questions regarding the schools---any info/suggestions are greatly appreciated, thank you so much!
1) What is the difference between the classroom relationships between professors and students at Georgetown and Carleton? I know that at Carleton, the commitment to undergraduate teaching is wonderful, and teachers are accessible. I thought that the same held true for Georgetown (minus a few large intro classes)...what's the deal there?
2) i've heard that at Georgetown, the academics are cutthroat (i.e., ppl not sharing notes...). Any current/past Georgetown student that can shed some light on this? I'd really like to participate in a collaborative learning environment.
3) How hard is it to double major at Georgetown?<br>
4) I've looked in to the pre-law programs at each College, and they both look great. Any current/past students at either school with personal experience/suggestions?</p>
<p>yeah I was wondering about the same things. and if I may add a question, to what extent are the stereotypes true about the typical Joe and Jane Hoya?</p>
<p>bump 10 chars</p>
<p>maybe this should go in the gu forum</p>