transfer rate to USC

<p>does anybody know the transfter rate to USC ?</p>

<p>I know its pretty low.</p>

<p>I think it’s around 25% (maybe higher, maybe lower) but that’s actually not bad if you think about it. It’s 1 in 4.</p>

<p>last year (2008) there were 8,300 applicants and only 1,500 enrolled. so its about 18% according to the 2008 transfer admission statistics.</p>

<p>Yeah thats about right. You can look it up on college board.</p>

<p>If you want an idea of what “stats” you need to get in, take a look at last year’s results thread.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;



<p>That’s how many enrolled, not how many were admitted. Given that the retention rate at USC is low-to-normal because of the high sticker price, I’m willing to bet that they admit much more than 18%.</p>



<p>Although I too believe the admit rate is higher than 18%, here are the statistics according to CollegeBoard.</p>

<h1>Number of transfers who applied for fall term: 8,359</h1>

<h1>Number of transfers who were admitted for fall term: 1,784</h1>

<h1>Number of transfers who enrolled for fall term: 1,116</h1>

<p>How factual you think this information is depends on how credible you think CB transfer stats are.
[College</a> Search - University of Southern California - USC - Admission](<a href=“College Search - BigFuture | College Board”>College Search - BigFuture | College Board)</p>

<p>Interesting. That’s a fairly high retention rate. Thanks for finding that.</p>