I currently am a freshman at a small school in Boston. I am doing very well academically and I love my professors and major and classes I am taking; however, the students are not social and it is very boring. It feels like a giant high school. I decided that this school is not for me, but now I have to find one that will fit.
I am looking for a school with either biological Engineering or biochemistry. I would like to be close (or in) Philly or NYC. I do not know my freshman gpa but I predict it to be about 3.5-3.6. I had 19 credits this semester. I am in 3 clubs and have lots of volunteer hours. In high school I had a 102 gpa and over 200 volunteer hours with plenty of extra curriculars. My sat score (new test) was a 1200. I’m not sure if anyone knows any good schools with friendly students and professors. My goal after graduation is to go to medical school. So a school that is good at preparing me for medical school or with a pre med program that allows transfers would be great as well.
Thank you!