<p>I'm a college junior who has recently transferred to a new university and will be starting this fall. But I have no idea what I want to do with my life or major in. I feel like this is my chance to start over.</p>
<p>It started this summer, and I began to reevaluate my life and try to figure out what interests me. I like writing... But I really don't mind most things. But that's just it. I 'like' a lot of things, but I'm not passionate about any of them. In fact, I can tolerate most subjects and just work hard period. </p>
<p>My mom and dad suggests that I pick a major that can lead to career options. I've looked at computer science, economics, political science, and business... but I just don't know. I'm getting to the point where I just want a career with job opportunities and financial prospects. I always tell myself, "maybe if I have money, I will have time to figure out what I want". But there's no telling how much time I'm going to have when I graduate.</p>
<p>I just really want to do something that I can be passionate about. I've been seriously thinking of pursuing computer science. But I don't really care about computers at all... I don't think about "what new technology can be created?" but "what can I do to optimize my creativity"... I like the idea of becoming a problem solver and being able to creatively come up with solutions... But I might not be 'wired' to think in a computer-science-kinda-way. I'm the more spontaneous, creative, type (an ENFP for the MBTI)... I just feel like if I'm not passionate I will be found out, won't be able to compete with the competition, and feel like an impostor on the inside.</p>
<p>My main motivator to do anything is always to discover a new insight, to be able to bounce around ideas, and to teach other people. I find myself having short spurts of passion, but after that I soon become bored and lose motivation (though I power through anyway). I wish I could find something that I loved. If not, I would really like a career where I can work in teams, have a supportive work-environment, be able to be creative, and have some freedom. </p>
<p>Anyone have any advice? </p>