Transfer Student Question, What's my next step from here?

<p>I am 28 years old. I attended a four year university several years ago and basically messed up. I left in good standing with a gpa of 2.01. My intended major was Accounting, at some stage in my three years at this school, I attempted to apply to the business school but was rejected because I did not meet the gpa requirements. I withdrew in 2005 from the school hoping to finish at a later time.</p>

<p>Several years later, I am ready to do college work and do it right this time. I have lots of transferable credits. About 60. However, the school im attempting to transfer to has the same GPA requirements that the other school had for their business program. i have already taken several Pre-business prerequisites. Should I consider changing my major in order to finish my B.S. or should I consider maybe starting over and just getting a A.A.S from a community college?</p>