Transfer Students-Stats and Status!

<p>I’m hoping for a decision soon! Sent in my application almost two weeks ago, still no update online- just saying that they’re “reviewing” my file to see if everything is turned in.</p>

<p>HS GPA: 3.89
College GPA: 3.79
ACT: 28</p>

<p>Majors: Int. Business & Spanish</p>

<p>Based on your college GPA, you should get in. I wouldn’t hold your breath for a decision real soon. While it’s rolling admission, and could come at any time, based on previous years, late March is probably more realistic.</p>

<p>We are all so nervous. I hope we are all badgers to be!</p>

<p>Yes, the part that stinks to me is just not having any idea when it will come. My UW says before the end of Feb, but who knows, that could be tmrw if they are ahead, but if they are behind who knows if they’ll meet that deadline, it could be March!</p>

<p>It seems as if transferring to Wisconsin is easier then applying as a freshman. Despite the fact that college courses are harder. Most colleges are easier to transfer too- but UW-madisons acceptance rate is 57 % (collegeboard) and the transfer rate it 44</p>

<p>Accepted as a transfer student today</p>

<p>imdreaminbucky…what are ur stats?</p>

<p>I applied to be a sophomore student:
3.44 High School GPA
25 ACT
3.86 GPA at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire 19 Credits</p>

<p>Any chance you could post the classes you took?</p>

<p>Transfer accepted approx. 8pm tonight, stats on first page of thread.</p>

<p>PDtempest you were accepted? do you feel as if your college stats were most important? also how was the essay your wrote? when did you send in the application</p>

<p>I took Microeconomics, American Politics, General Chemistry, College Writing, and a pre-calculus course. But anyways i think that they really only care about your college stats as long as you have shown consistent improvement from high school. As long as you had high grades you didn’t really have to write a good essay, but I spent a lot of time on it and felt that my essay was really good. Also, I sent in my online application on December 23rd but I sent in transcripts and letters of recommendation in early January. They received all my materials and started reviewing my application around January 23rd or 24th.</p>

<p>Yep, Seeing as I had only music classes and Japanese first semester, college stats, not diversity, were probably the most important. I think my essay was pretty dang good, but I doubt it was a key factor…</p>

<p>Sent in my App around Jan 13 -ish give or take a few days.</p>

<p>do you think they will look at the classes i am taking this semester? and take that into consideration? Congrats by the way…hell of an accomplishment! I hope to hear back soon</p>

<p>They also put an emphasis on the courses that you are currently taking in your spring semester. I think that if you have good class diversity it will certainly help you out in the application process. I took a lab science, social science, math, and writing in the first semester. During the second semester i am taking a music course, another lab science, another social science, another math class, and a foreign language. But if you have a high enough GPA they are probably not care as much about class diversity.</p>

<p>Anyways, congrats PDTempest on getting accepted. Hopefully everybody posting on this page will be joining us in Madison in the fall.</p>

<p>I applied to be a sophomore student:
3.75 High School GPA
24 ACT
3.8 GPA at Edgewood College</p>

<p>On the first week of february, it says I would get a decision 4-6 weeks and before the end of february.</p>

<p>Checked today and it says
“We have postponed a decision on your application”
What are my chances??</p>

<p>Maybe I will be accepted late feb or march ? I turned in my application and all the materials end of september or early october.</p>

<p>@BB9324 You for sure still have a chance of being accepted, send them a short statement about how/why you really want to attend Madison, send some midterm grades, and maybe try and get another letter of rec from a college prof, let them know their decision matters to ya.</p>

<p>PDTempest is right. Postponement means that they just want to see your grades during your spring semester. If you keep things up you will be accepted. It is a lot better than being on the wait list.</p>

<p>Thanks PDTempest and imdreaminbucky !!
That is really helpful and the wait is killing me, but I’m definitely going to keep working hard. </p>

<p>I’ll post back here and let you guys know the final decision when I find out !</p>

<p>What are my chances?
GPA: 3.2(Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
will have 24 credits, also balance a 25-hr a week job.
I have sent in two rec letters as well as an extra statement as to why I should be admitted. I feel that I have a good chance. What do you guys think? Said I would get a decision by the end of March.</p>