Transfer Students-Stats and Status!

<p>Hey, there have been many threads about transfer students so far and I was wondering about the average stats for transfer students applying for Fall 2012 and the review process and all that. Ill go first</p>

<p>College GPA: 3.3
HS GPA: 3.3
ACT/SAT: 33, N/A
Current Year: Freshmen
Major: Biochemistry
Decision: Not yet</p>

<p>Attending The University of Michigan-Dearborn with a 3.93 gpa and 35 completed credits
13 pending credits
EC: president of economics club</p>

<p>Applying for Fall 2012
major: economics
decision: not yet</p>

<p>Attended Grand Valley State University for a semester- 2.86 gpa with 14 credits</p>

<p>High school: 3.0
EC’s: varsity hockey and golf for 4 years, exec board</p>

<p>Remember that the college record counts, it doesn’t matter what your HS gpa was or how many ECs you had there. I imagine giving your HS gpa shows how you improved in college and have proven you can do quality college work. OP- it is surprising that your college gpa wasn’t higher considering your ACT score from HS. Did your lack of knowledge compared to others (based on HS gpa) entering college put you at a disadvantage, or did poor study skills continue???</p>

<p>do you guys know what the average gpa is for transfer admits?</p>

<p>Average is 3.4</p>

<p>Currently attending UW Eau Claire</p>

<p>College GPA: 3.88
HS GPA: 3.73
Current Year: Freshmen
Major: Zoology
Decision: Not yet </p>

<p>When did you guys apply? Just wondering so we could maybe estimate when we will get decisions since they are rolling! I got the email that my decision would come somewhere between Feb 13 and Feb 27.</p>

<p>They actually send an email regarding when they will give you a decision?</p>

<p>I don’t think they send one with an exact date, but when I emailed asking a question to the A/R department, they said they had my stuff and it would be 4-6 weeks until I got a decision. I know the decision could kind of come at any time, but MYUW says I will get a decision before the end of Feb. So I will be walking on egg shells this month!</p>

<p>I just sent mine in.</p>

first semester - 3.5 14 credits
Second semester (in progress) - 18 credits</p>

<p>I work with a woman who knows alot about the college admissions criteria. She beleives i will get in if they dont really consider, high school records.</p>

<p>Does any one know how long it can potentially take for us to hear back? Also does this school give good financial aid aside from the federal given stafford loan? It is nerve racking.</p>

<p>Ive talked to a few membors on here who seem to know about the process.I just hope we all get in. This is beyond stressful for madison hopefuls</p>

<p>College admissions are always stressful, even the second time around I’ve found out! Best of luck to you, you will find out before April 1st for sure, although a better estimate would probably be 4-6 weeks after they recognize they have ALL of your materials.</p>

<p>I am unsure about financial aid, although I doubt it would be anything huge as a transfer student unless you showed great financial need.</p>

<p>College GPA- 2.89
High School GPA- 3.19
ACT- 28
Current Year- Freshman
Major- Sociology</p>

<p>No decisions yet</p>

<p>do you think they will request a spring grade request?</p>

<p>College GPA: 3.0 -15 credits
15 credit hours in progress
Current Year: Freshman
Major: Kinesiology
Decision: none yet</p>

<p>they have to have students that are above and below the average so i’m just hoping i’m one of those below average students they choose!</p>

<p>That’s a good way to think about it, dreamingbadger. I’m kind of in the same boat as you. Good luck!</p>

<p>when u guys go netID login to check your status what does it say?
For me it says "We have received your application and are reviewing your file to ensure we have all materials necessary to make a decision. Once we confirm receipt of required materials your application will proceed to a counselor for review. ". </p>

<p>I sent in my transcripts January 2nd and I submitted my app January 26th…anyone know what is going on?</p>

<p>“We have received all the materials needed to consider your application for admission and will make a decision by the end of March. If your address, e-mail, or phone number has changed, please update your record in the My UW portal.”</p>

<p>All of my materials were submitted by Jan 31 (my statements… they didn’t get saved to my application initially, so I emailed them in. I applied mid-Nov, with everything else being sent in early Jan.)</p>

<p>I guess it’s just a waiting game now.</p>

<p>Short Answer: They are busy.
Longer Answer: Admissions is dealing with many priorities at this time of year. They had “guaranteed” decisions for Frosh Fall 2012 that appled by 11/1 by Jan. 31. The deadline for xfers was Feb. 1, the deadline for Frosh Fall 2012 was Feb. 1, many international students are less familiar with the typical US University admissions process, and they are bombarding Admissions with questions about their status, as their deadline to apply was December (?). </p>

<p>So, Admissions is prioritizing and trying to serve all applicants. If you are really concerned and need to confirm that your materials were received, you can call or e-mail Admissions. They seem to respond even quicker to people willing to post on the Admissions Facebook page. </p>

<p>Bottomline, according to multiple posts on CC, it can take several weeks for your status to change on MyUW Student Center after you believe everything was received.</p>

<p>Mine says the same as artist193, except for Feb. instead of March, and I applied earlier than artist by about 20 days so that makes sense., still a little odd to me that they stagger the decision dates like that.</p>

<p>Attended: Indiana University-Bloomington
College GPA: 3.22
H.S. GPA: 3.7
Current Year: Freshmen
Major: Finance</p>

<p>welcome and goodluck to the people who recently added their stats, any one else counting on getting a decision here in Feb?</p>