Transfer Students-Stats and Status!

<p>Hey nicopdx!</p>

<p>So happy that you are applying to UW-Madison as well!
I don’t remember exactly how long they have been evaluate my application, but it must more than 1 month…</p>

<p>Don’t worry, they will send you email when your decision are available! And good luck for your dream school! Hopefully can meet you this fall at Madison, if you go :)</p>

<p>Hopefully haha. Thanks a lot and I’ll post back here when I know.</p>


<p>I believe it took about 2-3.5 weeks for them to render a decision. Congrats to the UNC acceptance! I have several friends who went and who are currently attending. They love it. I’ve visited and the atmosphere is great.</p>

<p>Thanks, I’m so nervous I’d love to go to wisconsin. Which is a better school though, for economics? UNC or UW-Madison?</p>

<p>Easily UW in econ.</p>

<p>Thanks! Well I still don’t know if i’m in though. How does the credit evaluation works? Do you have to wait a long time after you are accepted to see it or what?</p>

<p>The wait is killing me ! But I’ve been working hard and being really involved around campus.</p>

<p>I got accepted in February as a transfer student. I applied mid-November or December.</p>

<p>@DerekJ What are your stats? and year you will be in the fall?</p>

<p>I applied in september…and so that’s why I’m getting such a late decision and finding out after spring semester grades.</p>

<p>Accepted… found out yesterday evening, but will have to turn down my spot. My husband was not accepted. My stats are earlier. His are:</p>

<p>3.5 cumulative with two colleges. 3.8 for the last two years. Great EC’s, volunteering, adult student with children. I don’t know how he didn’t get accepted.</p>

<p>Can he appeal? Can you/your husband call admissions and explain that you can’t accept unless his appeal is approved?</p>


<p>I wonder how he didn’t get in ??
He has good stats. what’s his major and did he fulfill the hs requirements?
you should definitely e-mail or call transfer admissions. I’m sure they could give you
an explanation or see if you can appeal as Madison 85 suggests above.</p>

<p>He was interested in business or economics, and did had met most of the requirements. We were thinking if business were not an option, he would major in economics. He was probably denied based on wanting to do business, since business is so competitive.</p>

<p>My app is still under review!!! I’m dying here …</p>

<p>sending in my spring final grades…and the waiting game begins again for us postponed applicants!</p>

<p>Good luck! I hope everyone who want to be a badger can have their dream come true! :slight_smile: Lucky to be part of it!</p>

<p>I’m in :slight_smile: Good luck everyone</p>

<p>Congrats! When did you send in your final transcript? Mine arrived on May 2nd and I still haven’t heard anything. The anticipation is killing me!</p>

<p>Mine were sent in as well !
All A’s this semester:)</p>