Transfer Students-Stats and Status!

<p>Just got accepted! So excited!</p>

<p>online or mail?</p>

<p>@nicopdx let me know when you get in ! we should go together for pledging because I really want to do it</p>

<p>@BB9324 I don’t know if i’ll get in but I hope so. It’s gonna take so long, I’m sure my current school hasn’t processed my request for transcript sending yet so before they send them, wisconsin gets them, review them … It’s gonna take forever !!! Anyway I will for sure, you should PM me your email address.</p>

<p>They sent me an email saying that a decision has been made. Then you have to look up your status on MyUW and it will tell you at the student center. I was so nervous once I got the email. Didn’t think I was going to hear for another couple of weeks.</p>

<p>yo rohde84 I sent u a private message about getting in on the apartment if your still interested…let me know if the next few days</p>

<p>I got an e-mail two hours ago on my BlackBerry telling me to go and check my status. I went ahead to the student portal nervously and I found out I was IN! Woot! Congrulations to everybody else!</p>

<p>College GPA: 2.95 (Bad first year; kicked butt last semester with a 3.48 while in a couple organizations and on the executive board of our Engineers Without Borders chapter)
HS GPA: 3.55
Current Year: Sophomore
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Decision: Sitting in limbo</p>

<p>I applied while in high school for freshman admission but got waitlisted, so I ended up enrolling at UW-Platteville. They said my ACT was still on file, so all I needed to submit for my transfer application were my final high school transcript, college transcript, letters of recommendation, etc., all of which were sent out alongside the submission of the application in mid-January. Since then, my application has retained the exact same status, reading: </p>

<p>“We have received your application and are reviewing your file to ensure we have all materials necessary to make a decision. Once we confirm receipt of required materials your application will proceed to a counselor for review.”</p>

<p>I’ve called the office of admissions and the school of engineering (both keep sending me back and forth saying it’s the responsibility of the other department) several times, the last time being last week, asking what’s up, and they keep telling me to wait. </p>

<p>I’m curious if anyone else is facing the same issue. I plan on calling again tomorrow, since I left a message with a woman in the engineering school and she never returned my call after a week of waiting. For the bull I’ve had to deal with the past two and a half months, I think I should be granted admission. :P</p>

<p>I got in contact with the engineering school admissions coordinator and she sorted my issue out. Essentially, anyone who has applied as a transfer student trying to go into ME has been deferred by default because of an overabundance of applications. I received an email shortly there after that stated the same thing:</p>

<p>“Transfer students are not yet being admitted for Fall 2012 to mechanical engineering. Only those considered at the June admissions meeting can be admitted.”</p>

<p>Which is really unfortunate considering I need to find an apartment and I won’t know where I’ll be next year until June at some point. Not such a huge issue in Madison, but Platteville is puny and it’s hard to find apartments.</p>

<p>I haven’t received any email, and I forgot my NetID. are they still sending email notifications?</p>

<p>I have yet to hear anything… I am so anxious. My husband is also waiting to find out.</p>

<p>On the transfer admissions website it says everyone would get a decision by the end of March.</p>

<p>Who else is…</p>

<p>Postponed? (we will all find out after the semester)
Denied? (it would be helpful to know IF anyone did get denied)
Accepted? (congrats ! & I hope everyone does get in)</p>

<p>end of april it says on the student site…
im still waiting too each day it gets more stressful…!!</p>

My app says that right now “Your application is being reviewed by one of our admission counselors. During the review we may request additional materials. You will be notified by email when a decision is made so that you can check back here for updates on your application status.” When should I hear back? Thanks</p>

<p>Accepted! Good luck to everybody still waiting.</p>

<p>@madisonnn </p>

<p>What are your stats?? and what year are you going to be in the fall 2012??</p>

<p>Congrats btw !</p>

<p>Accepted! Good luck to those who are still waiting! </p>

<p>Also, for those who are still waiting, don’t be discouraged.</p>

<p>How long does the “Your application is being reviewed by one of our admission counselors” last for before having a decision? I just got in UNC-Chapel Hill and I’m considering it even though UW-madison would be my first choice just because I’ve applied almost 7 months ago and they’re taking forever!</p>

Congrats to UNC, I got refusal from them, but they are sure a great school!</p>

<p>I got my UW-Madison acceptance this week, and I really appreciate the offer, and most likely I will go there!</p>

<p>Good luck for your application!
Btw, which major are you applying?</p>

<p>Congrats on UW-Madison. It’s still my dream school so I’m hoping to get in.
I’m applying to their econ/math major.
How long did you have the status “Your application is being reviewed by one of our admission counselors” for before having the decision? Thanks</p>