Transfer Suggestions?

<p>Ok, so I'm not feeling too good about my applications to the UC's (B, LA, SB, SD) so I think I'm going to apply to a private school or two. Location doesn't really matter for me...</p>

<p>So, here's my question...</p>

<p>What would you guys suggest would be a solid private school I could still apply to? (For fall of '06)</p>

<p>Stats -
California CC: GPA = 3.29
Major = political science
No real EC's ;/
Dean's List one semester</p>

<p>HS = bad, bad, bad...</p>

<p>Any suggestions?</p>

<p>3.29 isn't that bad man..</p>


<p>santa clara university?</p>

<p>i think you have a decent chance at getting in (if i'm correct)</p>