Transfer Supernova: Help a confused student out!

<p>hey guys.</p>

<p>first post ever but i am looking to transfer after one year at a community college. In highschool i didnt do too well. I had about a 2.5 gpa probably. However I turned it around this year at a community college and got a 4.0 gpa! Haha idk i just hated highschool, I had to deal with a lot of stuff and took it out on my schooling. However, i know community college isnt as hard, but dont be too skeptical. I took all of the honors courses offered and studied my ass off. I have a list of schools i want you guys to look at. Could you guys help me with them theres about 20 schools i want to narrow the list down. I want to know what schools i have a definite shot at. Remember im applying as a soph transfer with a 4.0 gpa under my belt at CC but a 2.5ish gpa for highschool. </p>

<p>Other things: PTK officer, Board of Trustee Rep at my CC, Very athletic in Highschool (10 V letters, Captains for 2) Big on community service (presidents award) So basically my gpa screwed me over in highschool but i want to believe im still capable of going to a prestigious college (i hope)</p>

<p>Schools i will apply to fall of 2011:
Syracuse, Ithaca, FSU, Villlanova, Wash U in STL, Hobart, Tulane, Emory, Vandy, Cornell, Holy Cross, Bates, Union College, Trinity, Elon, Northeastern, Marist, Hobart, Catholic, GWU, American, Muhlenberg, Ursinus </p>

<p>its a lot of schools so chance me at them and help me narrow it down and ill chance ya guys back thanks people!</p>

<p>If neither grades nor money were an issue for admission and attendance, which of these criteria would you pick?</p>

<p>1) Size of school
2) Location (Urban vs. rural)
3) Geography (are there parts of the country you prefer or some you will not consider)
4) Weather (prefer warm or snow)
5) Sports (looking for competitve Div. 1 or don’t care)
6) Greek scene (thinking about joining or want to avoid even a whiff of it)
7) Anything else that you might think is important to you personally (you ride horse, like rock climbing, active arts scene, whatever).</p>

<p>Answering these questions will knock some schools off the list for you, and possibly suggest some you had not considered.</p>

<p>Is money an issue? Most schools have very limited FA for transfers…</p>

<p>well i just have no idea what schools are in my reach, or not.</p>

<p>could you guys just like chance me if its a safety, reach, match or anything please</p>

<p>i though this site was designed to help students with questions out…is anyone else willing to help</p>