Transfer to Ivy

Will you be able to pay full price? That would increase your chances at some schools. I don’t believe that trying to game their system bodes well because you’ll be stuck in a major that you won’t necessarily want.
(Edited to add: some schools do NOT ALLOW non-majors to take classes from another major, such that, if you want to take a computer science course, and register for it, the school computer will boot it out of the system.)
Your best bet for transferring is to apply to another school that offers transfer spaces and that is affordable.

No, but you are an “international” student, and a guest of a US university, and you want a full ride and you want to transfer in, so you need something that THEY want-like an international recognition. There are thousands of students who want to get into MIT. They have the grades, the EC’s, and perfect test scores. Many of those students can pay their full costs of attendance.

The matriculated students at MIT have performed well in an area that MIT regards as fitting their school well. It’s not about what you want, it’s about what the school needs.


@aunt_bea Thank you for your clarification. MIT is need-blind so why would my want for a full ride influence their decision? I do not understand.

I researched other schools but all of them have less than half of the tuition covered by their scholarships so only full-need and need-blind universities are my options.

MIT is need blind for admissions for you….and if you are admitted, will meet your full need.

Please read this…it’s the most recent data I could find:

“Below we present the most current available MIT transfer acceptance rate as well as historical data. In the fall of 2021, there were 1,437 transfer applicants and 24 individuals were accepted. This means that the MIT transfer acceptance rate is 1.7% .”


No one on here can give you that; and even if they did what is it actually worth? Only admissions will give you a straight yes or no….or the third option….waitlisted (just FYI).

The straight answer is that the ivies and MIT take a very small percentage of their transfers applicants. Prepare your best application and take your shot. If you really want to transfer then cast a wider net.


Looking at your previous posts in other threads it’s clear you were comfortable with posting your stats and asking for advice, (and thanking people for it, and saying you would follow it) which is what the OP is doing. It’s not polite to classify as ‘toxic’ the answers people give to the request, particularly when those answers are grounded in reality.

Yes, some people do manage to transfer into top schools, but the vast VAST majority do not. There’s no need to lash out at the people who point that out just because if feels unfair.

It would neither be fair nor prudent for someone to provide the OP with false hope given that their stats put them in the ‘likely not’ category, primarily due to their financial situation.


Perhaps you can help OP by sharing information about that group with them.

This is exactly why people on Reddit or CC or even an app support group can’t ‘chance’ someone, or give them ‘a straight answer of yes or no’ as you suggested above.

CC works best when posters who have knowledge of things share their experiences, as in this case, admissions for international applicants seeking full financial aid. No one told OP (or you for that matter) to not shoot your shot. But the simple message for those who are certain they want to transfer is that they have to cast a wider net than the Ivies, or T20s.


This^^ is the point.

IF the primary goal is “someplace that will better than this for me”, then only applying to the highly rejective options is not a good strategy.

There are other places that meet full need for international students, but are need-aware- but a student whose profile is strong enough to make them a credible applicant to, say, MIT is a student whose profile is likely to look dazzling to, say, a Union College or University of Rochester, both of whom are need aware but meet need for international students.

On the other hand, if the primary goal is to only move if it’s to a tippy-top name, then the OP’s strategy, whatever the likelihood of success, is just fine.


I did in fact share the transfer support group with them in a private message.


Your insight into the comparative value of different forums may be greater after you have received your own transfer admission results.


Since I had no idea what ACM was, I looked it up, and it seems that (re)establishing a chapter is largely a matter of some quick paperwork and finding a faculty advisor and a few folks to sign up to be officers/members. My high school student did something similar last year with a national chapter of an organization he was interested in bringing to campus, and I’m not sure it will even end up on his college application as it wasn’t really hard to do. My guess is that AO’s are well aware of this.

As for the IEEEXtreme Competition, and again, I had to look this up - your team was ranked 1,363 out of over 6,000 teams in the world (congratulations!), but many university teams whose CS departments don’t even rank in the top 200 did better, so, probably not super impressive to an AO (though VERY impressive to me!).

No question your GPA is quite strong, and I do agree you should always try if that is what you really want to do, but given the tough financial situation you are in, and the fact that your current co-curricular achievements are not as stellar as the competition you are up against at the top school/s in the country, is it enough to trigger an acceptance? My guess is, respectfully, no.

But then again, we could all be wrong.

Correct, and he received opinions based on the stats he provided because he asked for them. As most responders have said, no one can tell him if it will work or not, only offer their opinions, which is what he posted for in the first place.

He seems perfectly able to advocate for himself thus far, and not really in need of defending, as what has been presented are only the opinions he requested. Your frustration seems misplaced, but best of luck to you in your transfer group and your own efforts to do the same.