Transfer to the Greatest City in the World

<p>Hello, friends.</p>

<p>In looking back on my education, I sigh and wish for better days. But my mind is rather grim and my chances are, sadly, rather slim. I dream of leaving Ohio, this wretched, wretched place, and in its place replacing it with the greatest city in the world; of course, I mean New York. I love Columbus, but I itch to rise above this, I yearn to feel the city I'm in. Perhaps you'll say just stay and finish in Ohio and then move to New York, but I rather like entertaining my dream of leaving now. </p>

<p>Transfer from Ohio State as a sophomore with a 3.78 to NYU Steinhardt's Music Technology Program or into an English program. Good recommendation letters, and minor ECs alongside it. Give it to me blunt, give it to me cold, are my chances of transfer at all possible for the Spring '11 semester in either of the programs I've listed? </p>

<p>Can I transfer to the greatest city in the world? </p>

<p>If not, are there any other options in the Manhattan area?</p>


<p>If its your dream, then go for it but if finances are an issue them beware. If you have been reading these boards then you will know that NYU is stingy with aid.</p>

<p>I’ve been blessed with incredibly supporting parents who would do anything to ignite my passion for education, so, finances aside, are there any other opinions?</p>

<p>You have a good chance, although they will also take into account HS GPA and standardized test scores since you are applying for sophomore transfer.</p>

<p>Well, I meant post-sophomore year. I suppose I said that entirely wrong. Apologies.</p>

<p>your chances of getting into the Steinhardt program are better than the CAS one, although I think it is more difficult getting a job after completion of the program. Funny, I knew a girl that is from Colombus and is a die hard OSU fan, in the college of nursing, and she really wants to go back to Colombus.</p>

<p>but yea, you definitely have a strong shot. Other places you might think to apply: Pace, Fordham Lincoln Center, St. John’s.</p>

<p>Thanks man, I’ll definitely look into Steinhardt’s programs as I always hear it is a bit easier to get into. Hopefully my shot is at least decent, and I’ll definitely be looking into the other schools you’ve mentioned. </p>

<p>I love Columbus, but having spent my last twenty years here, I really would love to go. NYC burns in my soul. I actually hate the Buckeyes, as well, haha.</p>

<p>bump for more opinions</p>

<p>NYU is not that hard to get into. I’ve known many people that have transferred out than I can count. Definitely look into other great schools in NYC if you are mainly interested in the city atmosphere. There is a plethora of schools there, and there isn’t just NYU, Julliard and Columbia in NYC. Fordham, Pace, any of the CUNYs (if you don’t care about rankings, but want a good education), St. John’s, or even any of the colleges in the 5 boroughs will definitely be a significantly cheaper option than NYU.</p>

<p>If you are coming all the way from Ohio State, DO NOT TRANSFER TO CUNY. I transferred FROM the CUNY system, and I really, really did not like it. </p>

<p>I transferred to Steinhardt with a 3.4. You’ll be fine. </p>

<p>Financial aid for transfer students is HORRIBLE.</p>

<p>This is so outdated but as a side note to another posters statement ST.johns and pace are not even close to the level of Fordham.</p>