Transfer to West Point

<p>is there anyway i can transfer to West Point from a local community college? what are some tests and requirements i need to take pr do?</p>

<p>you cant transfer your credits but you certainly can apply. everybody starts out as a plebe, so dont count on graduating in 2 years from west point.</p>

<p>Hey Dove,</p>

<p>I am at a community right now and I will be attending West Point in the summer. A few things your should know:
1) taffy is right, you cant transfer but your candidate score weighted more on you college preformance.
2) West Point does not recommand any courses you should take. However, you should try and match the West Point Core Curriculum (Calc, English, Chemisty, History). It's on their website. You will have to do four years but you might be able to validate some of these classes. It also shows that you are prepared for the academics. Basically, I just took the hardest classes I could get into.
3) There are no test you should take other than the SATs or ACTs if you havent taken them in high school. You can take them again if you feel your scores were too low. </p>

<p>That's about it. My high school record was subpar but college made up for it. If you really want to go, keep trying. Don't give up. The process is exactly the same as if you were in high school. You might also want to do ROTC at a local University. They usually let non-University students into their program. I am in Santa Clara Universtiy ROTC and I get to take military science classes at Stanford. Fun!</p>


<p>also, what percentage of the West Point students are female?</p>

<p>Most classes are 14-16% female. And you'll find an awful lot of information on the <a href=""&gt;;/a> website. It's probably a good time to start your research if you want to apply for the class of 2011. Good luck to you.</p>