Transfer twice...but where to the second time? (PREMED)

<p>Hey guys, I made a very bad mistake the first time I applied for transfer; I did not check if they offer transfer scholarships. I am a Biology (premed) major and i just finished a year at St. John's University (in queens) with a 3.77 average. Next semester I plan on attending Queens College (because none of the colleges I applied for transfer were affordable, so i decided to stay home for another semester or two). I hope this does not affect my application into med school. Anyways, does anyone have any suggestions on where to apply to next? And also, would it be possible to finish a year early (if so i may not transfer) and apply to medical school without having to take my MCATS in my sophomore year (i will be a sophomore in fall '06, it would be nice if I could take them at the end of my junior year) What do you guys think i should do, and what colleges do you think I should look into?</p>