Transfer UC/CSU


I am currently enrolled in a four year private university in California. I am going into my second year, (but still can get out and go to a JC) if I should instead go to a JC because I will have a better chance at getting in to a Cal state or UC. Anything will help me, thanks!

Are you a California resident? How many units do you have and where? What is your major, GPA? Yes you will have a better chance of being admitted to CSU/UC from a CC. What CSU/UC campuses are you interested in?

Agreed, going to a CA CC will up your transfer chances to a UC or a CSU. You will also save on tuition!

It’s hard to say how a UC/CSU would view your application if you move to a CC now and apply in November - Your Freshman GPA will play a pretty big role in determining your fate. Remember, you need to show them a map you’ll follow to earn 60 (transferable) semester units by the end of Spring 16. If you started with some AP classes and don’t loose too many units in the translation, you could be good to go. If not, you might need to spend more than one year at the CC.

I am pretty sure Humboldt still takes lower division transfers.