<p>This Fall 2007 I will have enough credits to be able to transfer to most schools (60+). I will be applying for Fall 2008 since most schools don't accept in Spring and I want to apply to as many as possible to see what I can really get. Anyways, my dilemma is...</p>
<p>I could work Spring 2008 and take a course or two, or just continue enrolled as a full-time student for that semester. If I continue as a normal student through Spring 2008 I'll probably have around 75 credits (2 years at college + 2 summers (both sessions each summer)).</p>
<p>So.. would it look better for the adcom's to see that I continued studying or would it look better that I worked?</p>
<p>Could it hurt me that I have to many credits? (I know most school want you to have around 60, I really don't mind if all credits don't transfer, but I don't want to do an extra semester and then be rejected because I took to many credits)</p>
<p>I'm in the same situation. I'm done with sophomore year but i'll take a couple of courses this fall just to make sure i have enough transferrable credits. It won't hurt you if you have too many credits- some of them just won't transfer. I plan on working during the spring- perhaps doing research at upenn(which is my top choice). I think it's better to work than to study- it would be a waste to spend money on extra credits that wont trasnfer.</p>
<p>I went to the University of Minnesota (Carlson School of Business) to talk with an adviser and she told me that she thought it would be better if I just continued studying because this would show that I was interested in being a full-time student. But that's just her opinion, different people and different Schools might see things different.</p>
How do you know which courses will transfer and which don't? Do you have to wait until you get admitted?</p>
<p>I was thinking about working during spring, that way I would be able to travel to South or Central America during the summer with that money, but on the other hand if I do spring semester I can take courses which would enable me to apply to Berkeley. It's kind of a gamble because it would kind of be a waste of time if I don't get accepted, but it would be great if I got accepted, so I'm still in this dilemma...</p>
<p>Work and travel or study and be able to apply to Berkeley with the risk I won't be accepted...</p>
<p>Actually, you can ask the school to do an informal transfer credit evaluation of your courses- to determine whether or not they are transferable. I asked penn to evaluate one of my courses and they said yes- so i'm still waiting for their decision. I think you should take courses if you need them for berkeley..or you could work AND take courses.no?</p>
<p>I spoke to UPenn and the lady wasn't really helpful, she said they wouldn't review anything unless you applied, I'm sure they get thousands of calls every day that's why they don't have good customer service.</p>
<p>I would work and take courses, but it depends how many courses I take. If I take around 15 credits (full load) I'd like to focus on studying rather than doing both.</p>
<p>Don't you think it's to much of a gamble to study an extra semester to apply to ONE university though?</p>